Sunday, January 08, 2006


It's overwhelming!

I just found out a week ago tomorrow that we are expecting our first baby in early fall. We began TTC in late-November, and it didn't take near as long as doctors have told us it would. They were talking years and it happened in weeks. We have only been married for a few months, so the suddenness is overwhelming, but we do feel very fortunate that it did come much easier than anticipated.

Being completely type-A, I have already started reading, researching, and planning. Like every parent, we want a healthy and happy baby, and to enjoy all the modern conveniences, but we also want to be kind to the environment and do it all on a budget. Over the next several months, I will explore the various aspects of raising a baby from a financial standpoint... breastfeeding, diapering, baby gear, clothing, and more. I will also be writing about the ups and downs of pregnancy (no morning sickness yet!), and how we are preparing for the arrival of our bundle of joy (and poo).

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